America Unmapped: 40 Unusual Maps Showcasing the Nation’s Unique Characteristics


Maps offer an intriguing way to collect information about a place, especially when delving into an unknown region of the world. Though some people might consider maps dull or complicated to read, not all maps meet this description. Many, such as those presented here, are unexpectedly insightful and even amusing.

The United States of America is frequently associated with extremes and extravagance in all aspects of life. Thus, what better method to emphasize the diverse cultural and social norms than through maps? It’s true that maps can be confusing at times, but the ones displayed here are simple to understand and brimming with fascinating details.

These maps extend beyond simple geography, highlighting everything from unique features like the most used emojis in each state to more evident subjects like the least liked state.

The Brands that define the state

People claim that originality is crucial for success, and this map provides evidence for that. It features some of the most iconic brands that started in each state.

In California, we have Apple, a company that has changed the world. Washington boasts Starbucks, making sure everyone gets their coffee. This map displays the worldwide impact of American products, and even a brief look at it is certain to uncover something new.

Representation of cultural groups in America

The United States is well-known for its remarkable cultural diversity, which gives it the nickname “melting pot.” The swift expansion of Asian, African American, and Hispanic communities highlights the nation’s social and demographic changes. Multiracial Americans are also at the forefront of this development.

As illustrated, the ethnic composition of the U.S. differs greatly depending on the region. The majority of African Americans reside in the South, whereas New Mexico has the highest Hispanic population in the nation.

What kind of music does each state prefer?

Our music preferences can be influenced by numerous aspects. Although summarizing a state’s musical inclinations might seem challenging, this map accomplishes that. Some outcomes are unexpected, while others align perfectly with expectations.

For example, California’s affinity for pop music is no shock. New Yorkers lean towards rock and oldies. Conversely, it’s somewhat surprising that country music doesn’t have as strong a hold on the South as one might assume.

Who employs the most Americans in each state?

Americans seek job opportunities in both the public and private sectors. This map displays the biggest private-sector employers in each state, with some results immediately standing out.

Although numerous people refer to America as a “Walmart nation,” this map supports that notion. The retail behemoth hires over a million Americans. Healthcare and education are also significant sources of employment in many states.

Most common language apart from English or Spanish

It’s well-known that a range of languages is spoken across the United States. With millions of immigrants from all over the globe, the country’s linguistic diversity is vast. English and Spanish are the most prominent, but other languages are also prevalent.

Historically, immigrants from European countries brought numerous European languages to America. In more recent times, there has been a substantial increase in immigrants from Southeast Asia, adding languages such as Tagalog and Vietnamese.

What job is popular in each state?

Certain areas are more favorable for specific careers. This map shows the most prevalent jobs in each state, indicating trends connected to regional industries.

Fashion designers prosper in New York, a center for innovation and design. Conversely, Texas has a significant number of petroleum engineers. Montana’s natural environment encourages professions in forestry and conservation.

Most weird food items from each state

The United States has some of the world’s most peculiar food items. With strange textures and distinctive flavors, the country’s culinary creations can be quite bizarre.

Some of these foods even have difficult names to pronounce! For example, “Scorpion Lollipops” might make you question if you’re really purchasing a scorpion or just a strangely named treat.

Each state’s percentage of the population who were born outside the country

The United States is frequently referred to as the land of opportunity and freedom, drawing immigrants from across the globe. This map shows the percentage of residents in each state who were born outside the country.

Unsurprisingly, certain states have much higher proportions of immigrant populations than others, showcasing the diversity and opportunities present in these areas.

Highest-paid public sector jobs in each state

Some jobs are associated with stereotypes, such as lawyers being rich or government workers having modest incomes. Nonetheless, this map questions those ideas by highlighting the top-earning public sector positions in each state.

Notably, a significant number of these positions are connected to the education field, providing intriguing perspectives on government pay.

Most searched “Should I” question in each state

When encountering dilemmas, many people use Google to seek quick answers. This map highlights the most searched “Should I” questions in each state, providing insight into what people are most curious about.

Although questions regarding wellness and appearance are prevalent, some surprising inquiries also appear. It provides an intriguing perspective on state-specific concerns and interests.
A map of the united states

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If each state had its own Halloween costume

Halloween is a season for creativity and eerie fun. This map envisions what the Halloween costume of each state might be, with some outcomes being hilariously fitting.

Even though these costumes aren’t always realistic depictions of the states, they are undoubtedly entertaining and imaginative.

Which state dislikes which state?

It’s quite typical for individuals to favor certain locations over others, often driven by local pride. This map examines the hostilities among states, revealing some unexpected rivalries.

The western states appear to be quite neutral, but several neighboring states have a distinct dislike for California. Can you guess why?

Something scary this way comes!

Like all other countries, America has its own collection of spooky stories, mysterious myths, and haunted places. These tales often draw visitors, enhancing tourism while giving people chills.

Some legends are truly frightening, while others are more amusing or unbelievable. This map offers a combination of both, ideal for those who seek a thrill as well as those who are skeptical.

Mary Poppins is a legend

We hope this doesn’t remind you of any uncomfortable school memories! Spelling can be challenging for many, and one of the most difficult words to spell is linked to our beloved nanny, “Mary Poppins.” She made it look so easy!

If you try to spell it yourself and make a mistake, don’t worry—you’re not alone. After all, even we have had trouble with some of the tricky words mentioned here. Fortunately, autocorrect has come to the rescue more than once!

A soft drink by any other name…

The manner in which Americans communicate can differ significantly throughout the nation. The words you choose to describe certain things often rely on your region, even if there is a commonly accepted name for them.

When something is widely appreciated, it tends to have various names. For example, although “soft drink” is the general term for carbonated beverages, people might refer to it as a fizzy drink, pop, Coke, or soda based on the area. So, what do…


What do you call it?

What is the most pressing query about each state?

Google autocomplete has become a significant part of our daily lives. This time, we are exploring the autocomplete suggestions for the phrase “Why is [state] so…” for each of the 50 states. Some common results are “Why is Texas so big?” and “Why is Arizona so hot?”

Other popular searches include “Why is California so expensive?” and “Why is Nebraska so boring?” It’s not shocking that people frequently question why states like Minnesota, Montana, and the Dakotas are so cold—because, to be honest, they really are!

A New Yorker’s perception of the other states

New York and numerous other states in the U.S. often seem like they are completely different worlds. This is especially the case for New Yorkers, who have distinct perceptions of other parts of the country. For example, they think of Maine as “cold” and Wisconsin as “cheese.”

They regard Texas as a state to be taken seriously and think of locations like South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming as places where distant relatives might reside. Whether these perceptions are correct is for the locals to determine!

Canines Vs. Felines

Selecting a pet might appear exciting, but it demands thorough consideration. The choice between a dog or a cat can be especially tough. Each pet has its own advantages and disadvantages, and preferences differ significantly depending on the region.

Interestingly, households in the eastern and northern U.S. tend to favor cats, whereas the southern states have a more pronounced preference for dogs. This is a fascinating pattern that underscores regional variations.

How would you pronounce “Crayon?”

Regional dialects frequently influence word pronunciation, and the United States is no different. A person’s place of residence can lead to distinct pronunciations of certain words.

For instance, the word “crayon” creates quite the division! Many individuals on the East Coast pronounce it as “cray-ahn,” whereas in other regions, “cray-awn” is more common. Which pronunciation do you prefer?

What states offer some peace and quiet?

When choosing a place to live, numerous factors must be taken into account. Do you think about the noise level of a location before relocating? This map provides a general picture of noise levels throughout the country.

It’s no shock that the busiest cities are the noisiest, but there are also many quieter places for those who desire tranquility. If calm and silence are priorities for you, there are choices to consider.

Who are you listening to today?

With a multitude of talented artists in today’s music industry, choosing a favorite can be challenging. Music has transformed greatly over the years, and it’s intriguing to observe how different artists excel in various regions.

It’s evident that many Americans appreciate local talent, with artists such as Drake, Jay-Z, and Macklemore having dedicated followings. These musicians are making a lasting impression on fans nationwide.

Where are all the singles?

A survey conducted by Pew Research Center found that 30% of Americans have used dating apps or websites. Are you part of that group, or do you favor traditional ways of dating? This map shows the distribution of singles by gender throughout the United States.

California has the greatest number of single men, whereas the Northeast has the most single women. Maybe this information can help level the playing field—or at least give you a tactical edge in dating!

What places drive the economy of this world power?

The United States contributes roughly a quarter of the global economy through its GDP. Remarkably, a large amount of this economic activity is concentrated in only 23 small orange regions on this map. These regions are the most densely populated and economically vibrant parts of the country, while the expansive blue areas account for the remaining half of the GDP. It’s a striking visual depiction of economic distribution.

The United States is many things

The internet is rife with assumptions and stereotypes about various states. People often believe their own state is superior while dismissing or judging those they haven’t visited.

Autocomplete results about different states reveal some of the most entertaining and surprisingly accurate stereotypes. Unexpectedly, some of these notions might resonate with you more than anticipated!

Who’s the wealthiest woman in your state?

It’s surprising how little attention billionaire women get compared to men. This map features the wealthiest women in each state, demonstrating their significant achievements in various industries.

For instance, Whitney Wolf Herd stands out with Bumble, Alice Walton is associated with Walmart, and Alice Schwartz thrives in biotech. Their inclination to keep a low profile might be why we hear less about them.

That’s a state?

If you’re not from the U.S., you probably only know a few states and aren’t sure where the rest are located. But don’t worry—even some Americans find it hard to name all 50 states!

The map above shows some of the most famous states, like Washington, New York, California, Florida, and Texas. Because they are often mentioned in pop culture and the news, these states have become widely recognized.

From where would you order your Pizza?

Pizza is loved all over the world, and Americans are no different. Whether it comes from a fast-food chain or a genuine Italian eatery, this cheesy dish remains a favorite.

According to the map, Pizza Hut is the most popular chain nationwide. However, that doesn’t mean that others like Domino’s and Papa John’s aren’t doing well—it all depends on individual taste!

Which wine would you prefer?

Picture a world where ancient civilizations never invented wine or beer. Although many people associate wine with France and Italy, wine enthusiasts and vineyards are thriving worldwide.

The United States is no different, boasting outstanding wineries, particularly in California. The sunny weather along the Western coast creates an ideal environment for vineyards. As this map shows, wineries are spread all over the country.

How would you like your coffee?

Coffee is a daily necessity for millions around the world, particularly in the United States. This passion for coffee has resulted in a huge number of coffee chain franchises across the country, many of which have global recognition.

One brand appears to overwhelmingly lead the industry. Although Dunkin’ Donuts has its supporters on the West Coast, Starbucks holds the top position throughout most of America.

Wealthiest Americans in each state

The concept of the American dream typically symbolizes the notion that anyone can attain success by working hard and being determined. Although this may have been accurate in the past, accumulating wealth today frequently demands more than just effort.

Have you ever considered who the wealthiest person is in every state? This map provides the information! States such as Nebraska, California, and Washington are where the three richest individuals in the country reside.

What relationship query defines each state?

It’s not easy to keep a healthy relationship. Many Americans go online to look for relationship advice, finding guidance from different reliable sources.

This map shows Google searches about relationships from each state. Some of the questions are amusingly relatable, demonstrating that we all search for relationship advice at some point.

How the American climate zones are perceived

The United States is expansive, encompassing various geographical regions and experiencing a variety of climates. Every state has distinct weather patterns.

This satirical map provides a comedic perspective on America’s climate zones. Despite being exaggerated, it reflects some truth regarding the nation’s diverse weather conditions.

Favorite breakfast food in each state

Americans take breakfast seriously. Although cereal or toast might be common choices, it’s the classic diner breakfast dishes that often steal the spotlight.

Every state has its own preferred breakfast dishes, ranging impressively from pancakes to bacon. All the items on this list appear delicious enough to delight any breakfast lover.

What generation is your legacy?

The generational gap is a popular subject, with lots of evidence showcasing the distinctions. But how are these generations spread across various states?

For many years, Boomers were the largest generation in the U.S., but recent statistics indicate that Millennials have surpassed them. It’s only a matter of time before Gen Z becomes the dominant generation.

What will you be wearing? Tennis shoes or sneakers?

Various regions of America not only exhibit different pronunciations but also have distinct names for common items. This includes sports shoes.

In most areas, these are called “tennis shoes,” but along parts of Florida’s East Coast, the term “sneakers” is more common. On the other hand, cities like Chicago and Cincinnati prefer the term “gym shoes.”

How liberal are you willing to get?

Given its diverse population, it’s not surprising that America has a wide array of opinions on major issues.

This map shows the differences in levels of liberalism across states, with Utah being the least liberal and New York ranking second among the most liberal states.

What if the Yellowstone volcano was to erupt?

Yellowstone’s stunning landscapes draw in numerous visitors, yet the potential eruption of its volcano is a significant hazard. Such a disaster could affect not only America but the whole globe.

Should an eruption occur, the states of Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho would experience the most severe effects from the ash cloud. This map underscores the importance of coexisting harmoniously with nature.

We have Avery in the lead by a country mile

The variety of names in America is remarkable, with more than 5,000 distinct first names and 151,000 unique last names. Surprisingly, just 1% of Americans opt for unisex names for their children.

It’s great to witness more parents accepting neutral names, especially amid continuous gender debates. Do you believe society will ever completely do away with gender-specific names?

What TV show is the state’s favorite?

TV shows are more popular than ever, uniting audiences as they keep up with their favorite stories.

This map displays the most loved TV show in each state. Pennsylvania unsurprisingly selected The Office, New York picked Seinfeld, and Breaking Bad is the top choice in New Mexico.

Where would you go to see a sky full of stars?

As cities grow, light pollution increases, causing stargazing to become an uncommon pleasure for many. This map highlights areas with low light pollution, primarily located in the central regions of the country. These spots are ideal for those who wish to enjoy a stunning, star-filled sky.

Michigan is bigger in size than what?

The immense size of America accommodates a remarkable variety. In fact, some states surpass the size of entire countries.

This map provides a fascinating comparison, highlighting the vastness of some states compared to other nations and underscoring the immense scale of North America.

Cue the X-Files theme…

Interest in UFOs is widespread throughout America, with many reported sightings over the years.

The map displayed above shows areas with the highest number of UFO sightings. Interestingly, coastal areas seem to experience these mysterious encounters more frequently.
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Is there something strange in your neighborhood?

Occasionally, horror movies can be too intense for younger viewers. Fortunately, there are some spooky films made specifically for children. However, they can still be quite genuinely scary. A great example is Coraline.

Even though this map highlights one genre, there’s a remarkable range of options available. At the forefront is Ghostbusters, which is the favorite spooky movie for kids in 11 states. To be fair, none of these movies are especially scary for adults, which is likely intentional.

Are you a Doritos dude or a Lays loyalist?

Regardless of your background or taste preferences, you probably have a favorite salty snack. There’s something uniquely satisfying about munching on a bag of chips or crackers when the craving strikes.

We all enjoy those crunchy, calorie-filled treats! Throughout America, people voted for their favorite salty snack, and it was a tight race. Lays came out on top in 13 states, while Doritos won in 12.


Die Hard

a Christmas movie or not?

The holiday season is the ideal moment to watch your favorite Christmas movie with family and friends. With so many choices, selecting the right one can be challenging—but thankfully, there’s no rush!

Some holiday films are undoubtedly well-loved. For example, Elf has developed a significant fan base among adults, even though it’s primarily a children’s movie. Additionally, classics such as Home Alone and The Nightmare Before Christmas continue to be cherished by many. Have you chosen your favorite yet?

If being lazy was a metric

The nickname “fast-food nation” often comes to mind when people think of America, and there may be some truth to it. What do you think about this?

This map shows states with the largest numbers of “couch potatoes.” Hawaii has the least number of couch potatoes per capita, while Ohio ranks highest. Analysts used different factors—such as obesity rates and television watching habits—to gather this information.

Watch your six when you’re in Wyoming

Driving inherently involves risks, and maintaining alertness while driving is crucial. Have you ever considered which states offer the safest—and most dangerous—conditions for drivers?

Based on the data, Massachusetts is the safest state for drivers, whereas Wyoming ranks as the most dangerous. This raises the question of how drivers in Wyoming perceive this unflattering status.

So much space and greenery

Given how some parts of the U.S. seem crowded (we’re thinking of you, New York City), it’s surprising to see how much unoccupied land exists. The green areas on the map below show these vacant spaces.

This might make you question why some places are heavily populated while others are almost empty. The explanation probably comes down to the availability of resources and amenities that draw people to particular locations.

Can somebody please see if Pennsylvania is okay?

In different parts of the United States, people have distinct expressions for “you all.” This is one of the intriguing linguistic features of the nation.

Northerners typically prefer “you guys,” while southerners are inclined to use “y’all.” In Pennsylvania, however, the term “yinz” is popular, which is quite interesting and makes us curious about its origins there!
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How big is your apartment?

As we grow older, some things that appeared insignificant during childhood turn intriguing. For example, we begin to pay attention to details such as our choice of laundry detergent or the dimensions of our living area.

This map illustrates the average apartment size across various regions in the U.S. Surprisingly, the typical American apartment isn’t as roomy as you might imagine.

What ice cream flavor do you prefer?

Everyone has a preferred ice cream flavor, whether it’s based on chocolate, fruit, or candy—there’s a choice for everybody. However, some flavors are less loved and might even surprise some people!

Take Mint Chocolate Chip, for instance, which tends to split opinions—only two states consider it their favorite. In contrast, coffee, cookie dough, and brownie flavors are widely popular.

And the list goes on…

In the United States, the passion for sports begins in high school and can continue into college, with many athletes going on to pursue professional careers. It’s no surprise that some states are home to a large number of major sports teams.

California is at the top with 19 major league teams, while Florida, Texas, and New York are tied for third place, each with 10 teams. These figures are expected, considering the vast size and population of these states.

What’s that food item you hate with a passion?

Food preferences can differ greatly, and some dishes apparently aren’t favored by many people in specific states. However, a few examples on the list might catch you off guard.

For example, why is pesto unpopular in Ohio? And what’s the issue with hotdogs in Missouri? Despite these peculiarities, we can all accept that food preferences are subjective.

America in emojis

The vast size and diversity of the U.S. can make the differences between states quite surprising at times. Although some cultural stereotypes may hold true, others do not.

Fortunately, emojis offer a playful method to examine these differences without being too serious. They encourage us to appreciate our unique characteristics while also having fun with our eccentricities.

United we stand, Divided (by mayonnaise), we fall

Mayonnaise is a condiment that people tend to either love or dislike, and even its pronunciation causes debates in the U.S.!

Americans usually pronounce it in two ways: (May-uh-naze) or (Man-aze). Although both versions are used, the first seems to be more widely accepted. How do you pronounce it?


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